
Composition is the art of arranging the elements in a photograph to create a visually pleasing image. It's all about how you choose to frame the scene and how you position the various elements within it. There are a few key composition techniques that can help you take better photos.

  • The rule of thirds is a principle that suggests dividing an image into thirds horizontally and vertically, and placing the subject of the photo at one of the four intersections of those lines. This creates a sense of balance and harmony in the image.

  • Leading lines are lines within the image that lead the viewer's eye towards the subject of the photo. This can be achieved by using diagonal lines, such as a road or a river, or by using the edges of the frame.

  • Framing is another technique that can be used to add depth and interest to an image. This can be achieved by using natural elements such as trees or archways to frame the subject, or by using the edges of the frame to create a sense of enclosure.

  • Negative space is the empty space around and within the subject, it can be used to draw attention to the subject and to create a sense of balance in the image.

  • Using different point of view, such as high or low angle, can add dynamism and interest to the image.

In summary, composition is a crucial aspect of photography and it’s all about arranging the elements in the scene to create a visually pleasing image. By using techniques such as the rule of thirds, leading lines, framing, negative space and different point of view, you can add depth, interest, and balance to your photographs.



